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Does CBD help ease back pain? We explain

Everyone suffers from back pain at some point in their lives. But while some of this pain goes away on its own in most cases, many people sometimes experience it chronically, persistently and episodically, unable to get rid of it without proper medical treatment. Back pain is one of the causes of disability and should be taken seriously. In this article, we will examine the ability of cannabidiol (CBD) to alleviate back pain of any kind.

The interaction of CBD with the endocannabinoid system helps to prevent the transmission of pain signals. For this reason, CBD, taken as an oil or infusion can relieve back pain over several days.

This is explained further in the rest of this article.

What is the mechanism of onset of back pain?

So common that it has been dubbed "the disease of the century", back pain is often experienced at various heights of the spine in an intense or mild manner, transiently or persistently, etc. It affects about 80% of the adult population and should be distinguished from muscle pain. Depending on their intensity and duration, they come in several variants. A distinction is made:

  • Simple or mechanical back pain, which is the most common variant;
  • Acute back pain that lasts less than six (06) weeks;
  • Chronic back pain that lasts up to 3 months or more.

It should be noted that in reality, back pain is only a symptom with causes that may be more serious than one would imagine. Indeed, while simple and mechanical pain is concretely due to no particular underlying cause apart from age, stress, bad posture, and can therefore be corrected with readjustment, acute and chronic back pain are often caused by factors such as:

  • Nerve blockage;
  • The prolonged compression of a nerve;
  • Herniated disc;
  • Post-surgical pain;
  • A fall during exercise;
  • An arthritis;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Etc.

In any of these cases, back pain can be in the neck and spread into the shoulder and arm. It can also be in the lower back and spread to the buttocks and in some cases the legs. They are called back pain, when they are located in the area between the root of the neck and the middle of the back.


But regardless of the nature of the back pain, there is plenty of evidence that it can be relieved by taking CBD.

back pain

How does CBD relieve back pain?

For several decades, substances extracted from cannabis have been used to relieve various types of pain. The anti-antalgic and anti-inflammatory properties of this magical herb have allowed CBD - cannabidiol - to enjoy a unique celebrity among cannabinoids.

Cannabidiol is one of the most sought-after molecules contained in cannabis. It's use eliminates inflammation and pain generated to some extent. In fact, it has always been known for its effectiveness in relieving physical pain and discomfort of all kinds.

In fact, CBD has a structure very similar to that of endocannabinoids. Thus, when consumed, receptors in the human endocannabinoid system recognise the molecule as an endocannabinoid, triggering the regulation of various processes (biological, physiological, etc.). In the presence of pain signals, CBD therefore triggers the inhibition of the transmission of these signals, allowing the person concerned to no longer feel the pain, if only for a time.

You should not, however, believe that this is a real treatment, since as far as research is concerned, there is no CBD-based treatment. It can only give you relief for a few days. In general, clinical trials on back pain patients have found relief from chronic pain. In other words, taking CBD could not be a substitute for pharmaceutical or medical advice.

back pain

How to use CBD to fight back pain

While it's true that inhaling CBD through a vaporizer or in the form of a joint is convenient for providing immediate relief, the ideal way to alleviate chronic and acute pain is to resort to consuming edibles containing CBD.

In fact, apart from mechanical pain, persistent back pain can lead to other disorders such as irritability, sleep disorders, anxiety, etc. By taking a CBD oil-based treatment over a few days as a food supplement and of course in consultation with your pharmacist or doctor, you will manage to gradually reduce your back pain. You will regain your serenity, your smile, your deep sleep and you will be much less anxious.


In summary, CBD can be used in oil form or as an infusion. In its oil form, it is usually used as a dietary supplement to be taken orally. In this case, it is taken in three different ways depending on preference:

  • Placed under the tongue: this is the most common method of consuming CBD oil. Simply drip a few drops under the tongue and keep it there without swallowing for at least 60 seconds. This technique makes it easier to break down the product. Also, some of the oil takes the sublingual route.
  • In capsules: this is a discreet, convenient method that can sometimes be disgusting given the taste of the oil. In this case, the ideal is to place the CBD oil capsules in gelatin capsules.
  • With food or other edible products: here, the idea is to drip drops of the CBD oil into food or onto edible products, such as into a piece of bread for example. This technique makes it easier to consume a large amount of oil. It is also possible to dilute it with olive oil, coconut oil, etc.

Does CBD cause euphoria, anxiety and addiction effects?

No. CBD is an absolutely non-psychoactive substance that produces no harmful effects to physical and mental health. Regardless of the form in which it is consumed, CBD is a cannabinoid that has only positive effects. Instead, the cannabinoid that causes euphoria, anxiety and addiction is THC, the other component of cannabis often considered a narcotic.

What does French law say about CBD?

Although it is permitted, the purchase of CBD is heavily regulated in France. For this reason, if you wish to purchase CBD in France, you will need to buy a product containing less than 0.2% THC, regardless of the form in which it comes. In addition, you will need to make your purchase from a French online shop so as not to fall foul of the law regarding the importation of cannabis into France.

All the information on our website is intended to help you understand our products. It does not constitute medical advice and is certainly not a substitute for specialist medical advice. We recommend that you seek the advice of a specialist before consuming any cbd product.
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