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Focus on the side effects of CBD

In recent years, we have been hearing more and more about CBD. The topic that is most talked about, is certainly the legality of CBD. Anyway, nowadays, many people are turning to CBD as an alternative to cannabis. However, most people still have a lot of questions about it. Among the ones that come up the most is the cbd side effects.

By which ways can you consume CBD ?

Are you wondering which way you can consume CBD? Indeed, that is a very good question. And for good reason, few people really know all the ways there are to consume cannabidiol or hemp. CBD has multiple properties, that's why it is consumed a lot. If you don't know how to start, here are the different ways to consume CBD (hemp):

  • The inhalation route: this is the most commonly used method. You can choose CBD flowers or e-liquids. Thus, you can consume CBD by vaping through an electronic cigarette. Alternatively, you can use a vaporizer and opt for consumption in the form of vaping or smoking.
  • The sublingual route: after the respiratory route, this is the second most used method. If you want to opt for this method, you will have to turn to CBD pastes and CBD oils that you will apply to your gums or under the tongue.
  • The oral route: this method is really quite simple. There, CBD (hemp) takes the form of tablets, capsules or herbal teas that you have to drink or swallow.
  • The transdermal route: much less known, but equally effective, taking CBD transdermally is to apply directly to your skin a patch or cream.

Whatever method you use, take the time to learn about CBD, its effects and especially, about cbd oil side effects, cbd infusion side effects, cbd tisane side effects as well as cbd side effects in a more general way.

What are the effects of CBD ?

CBD or hemp is the subject of many studies that highlight its various virtues and properties. Many people consume CBD as a form of withdrawal to compensate for the use of cannabis. CBD is also used as a food supplement. But cannabidiol also has therapeutic virtues, contrary to many received ideas. CBD has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anxiolytic, anti-epileptic, anti-vomiting, anti-psychotic and anti-depressive properties. Thus, it is possible to be prescribed CBD when suffering from epilepsy. CBD is also consumed to alleviate certain pains or the symptoms of various diseases. Apart from its therapeutic virtues, CBD is also consumed to relax, to reduce stress and anxiety...

What are the side effects of CBD ?

Smoking cbd side effects? Side effects cbd oil? Cbd tea side effects? Cbd side effects? These are certainly questions you are asking yourself. While CBD possible multiple properties, it can also cause side effects in some people. Not everyone experiences side effects, it all depends on your body. In any case, before taking CBD for the first time, it's best to know the list of all possible cbd side effects. This way, you will be able to recognize them more easily.


Among thecbd side effects most common is drowsiness. In a sense, drowsiness is not really a limiting side effect given that the majority of people consume CBD to relax and soothe themselves before going to sleep. However, if you have taken CBD and want to drive a car or use machinery at work, then it can be very dangerous. That's why drowsiness is considered an unwanted side effect.

Dry mouth

Do you feel like you have a dry mouth after consuming CBD? This is normal. In fact, when smoking CBD flowers, you may experience this side effect. It is not serious, just a little unpleasant. Rest assured, this side effect does not last long and you just need to drink some water to alleviate this dry mouth sensation.

Gastrointestinal problems

Gastrointestinal problems related to CBD consumption are rather rare and difficult to pinpoint, as they can also be caused by a whole bunch of other reasons. This side effect can occur most often in people with visceral hypersensitivity. If you ever experience gastrointestinal distress after consuming CBD, it's imperative to cut back on your consumption. And if the symptoms persist, you will need to stop taking CBD.

Loss of appetite

Loss of appetite is a side effect for some people, but for others, it's more of a benefit. In fact, many people who want to lose weight consume CBD. Why? Because CBD reduces the production of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite. Therefore, consuming CBD leads to a loss of appetite almost all the time. This is why CBD is so popular with dieters. If you are not in this situation, then make sure to consume CBD outside of meals.

The feeling of fatigue

While CBD can reduce emotional fatigue, it would seem that physical fatigue is one of the rare side effects of CBD. In fact, some people would feel more tired after consuming CBD, they would have less energy. If you ever feel tired, go get some rest and don't get behind the wheel until you feel great.



CBD helps reduce feelings of nausea due to its anti-nausea properties. However, if you overdose on CBD, it can cause some people to feel nauseous. If this happens to you, reduce your consumption. If the nausea persists, you will need to stop taking CBD.

Provokes liver damage

In some rare cases, CBD use can cause liver damage and damage the liver. If you don't treat this side effect, it can get worse. Therefore, it is crucial to consult a doctor as soon as possible to avoid complications.


Some people may experience drops in blood pressure (hypotension) after taking CBD. This is not systematic, but it can happen. Too many drops in blood pressure can be serious. So if you experience low blood pressure, reduce your CBD intake and stop if symptoms persist.


Here's a rather limiting side effect: diarrhea. CBD doesn't always cause diarrhea, but it's still one of the various possible side effects.

Mood swings

If you experience mood swings while consuming CBD, it's normal. In fact, mood swings can be part of the side effects. Here, there is not much to do other than cut back on your consumption and wait for the mood swings to subside.


Dizziness is one side effect that stems from another. If CBD causes you to have low blood pressure, it will automatically lead to dizziness or even fainting.

Side effects of CBD in animals

CBD side effects in animals

You may not know it, but it's entirely possible to give CBD to your dog or cat. Only, there are certain precautions to take to avoid having cbd cat side effects. The soothing properties of CBD can also be very effective for your pet. But in case of overdose, for example, this plant can be very dangerous. Before anything else, consult a veterinarian first to find out whether or not you can give CBD to your dog or cat. Among the main side effects that can be found in both dogs and cats are drowsiness, diarrhea, loss of appetite, dry mouth and vomiting. These are the least serious side effects. However, in the case of a large overdose, loss of mobility is a serious side effect in dogs. In cats, on the other hand, an overdose can lead to liver enlargement, low blood pressure and even fainting. Educate yourself well before giving CBD to your pet, as the consequences can be very serious.

Our recommendations for avoiding CBD side effects

Most of the time, CBD side effects are caused by improper dosage. You shouldn't take large amounts, especially if it's your first time using it. Take a low dosage and increase it gradually. It can also happen that side effects occur because of an allergy. To find out if you are allergic to CBD, put a small amount of oil or cream on your hand and wait to see if there is an allergic reaction or not. Obviously, if you have an allergic reaction, we strongly advise against consuming CBD.

Focus on drug interactions and taking CBD

Are you taking a medication and wondering if it's okay to take CBD? The answer is yes, but under certain conditions. CBD herbal teas, capsules, oils and pastes are the forms most likely to cause problems with your medication. In any case, do not hesitate to consult a doctor to know if your treatment can be compatible with the taking of CBD. If it is, space, nevertheless, your consumption of CBD from the taking of your medication of about 3 or 4 hours.

At the end of the day, CBD has several side effects

As you have seen throughout this article, CBD can cause a number of side effects in both humans and animals. Most of the time, side effects occur due to improper dosing or overdosing. So don't hesitate to get the facts before taking CBD for the first time.

All the information on our website is intended to help you understand our products. It does not constitute medical advice and is certainly not a substitute for specialist medical advice. We recommend that you seek the advice of a specialist before consuming any cbd product.
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